Understanding Conception: Confirming Sperm Entry Methods

In order, how to confirm whether sperm went inside is not the way to know, in addition, it needs a pregnancy test (positive) to know. The sperm travels to the egg in the fallopian tubes, and after ejaculation, it may also take 3 to 5 days to happen. You are giving your eye to whether the sperm entered the female body because someone wants to conceive and others do not. Millions of sperm enter the female body after ejaculation from the male’s body. Some of the sperms travel through the cervix to the uterus, and then to the fallopian tubes. Where only one sperm enters into the egg, and fertilize it.

Before going towards the other questions first we should know what basically is a sperm? A sperm is a compact, small cell, with a highly specialized structure for the fertilization of an egg. It works as it carries genetic information from the male to the female egg, and unites with the egg to produce a new individual.

Sperm can also enter the female body in cases like

Male ejaculated inside the vagina while having an unprotected sex

Or if the sperms are induced in the female body medically

Moreover, the man ejaculated, and the condom broke down

Furthermore, the sperm’s, and eggs’ health is also important in getting pregnant. It does not all the time mean the sperm enter the female body, and you get pregnant. There are also many other factors that can cause pregnancy.

How many drops of sperm are needed to get pregnant?

Only one healthiest sperm can reach the egg and fertilize it. Although, when a man ejaculates, he releases up to 100 million sperm with semen. They have to do a tough journey to reach the egg. Few of them survive while moving from the vagina to the fallopian tubes, and only one healthiest sperm penetrates the egg. Maybe it’s nature’s rule that only the healthiest survive, in order to have a healthy baby.

Signs that confirm the sperm has entered the female body

  • The entry of sperm that fertilized the egg can mostly cause pregnancy. The signs and symptoms can be delayed periods, fatigue, sickness, and cramps which confirm that sperm goes inside the woman.
  • When a man ejaculates, the sperm enters the vagina. Few of the sperms flow towards the fallopian tubes and the leftover comes out. Here the question arises why does sperm come out hours later? This is just because the semen cannot stay inside the vagina permanently. The sticky liquid flowing out of the vagina is the semen containing sperm which does not travel to the fallopian tubes. Sperm leakage is basically, the sperm leaking out of the vagina hours later.

What happens when a man pull-out before ejaculation?

Mostly many couples are trying to prevent the entry of sperm into women in  order to not get pregnant. In this case, they use the pull-out method which is not a perfect way to do so. Because if you are having unprotected sex pre- ejaculation can occur, due to which some of the sperm enters the woman’s body. Pre-cum can release because a man is aroused, and it has no control over him. As a result, sperm entering the vagina can sometimes cause pregnancy if there are no medical issues. So that’s why the pull-out method does not work well.

How long can sperm live?

The lifespan of sperm depends on many things where they can live. On a dry surface, when semen dries, it means sperms are dead. While, in a hot area in addition, in a hot water tub or warm water, sperms blossom in a warm, wet place. But how many days sperms can live inside a woman’s body? The answer is they can live up to 5 days in a water body and, waits for the egg to come.

Ways to increase sperm entering a woman’s body

Many of you trying to have more sperm entering the vagina in order to get pregnant. Higher chances in pregnancy mean more sperms inside the vagina besides any medical issues.

  • When a man ejaculates deep inside the vagina to have as much sperm as he can.
  • Soon after ejaculation, don’t wash the vagina.
  • After ejaculation, women should stay with raised hips a little so that the sperms can have more time to move up to the fallopian tube.

Semen analysis

Semen analysis tells you about semen containing sperm, its thickness, normal concentration, etc.

A few analysis points are given below:

  • Sperm concentration tells the number of sperm per mL in semen. The normal conditions can be 15 million or more sperm per mL which is also called sperm density.
  • In sperm motility, it is checked out how much of the sperm are moving or how they move after ejaculation. Approx. 33% of the sperms should be moving in a forward or straight line.
  • The amount and thickness of semen tell, how much of the semen is released after ejaculation. Every time a man releases up to 2 to 6 milliliters of semen. The less amount means it does not contain that much sperm and a woman can get pregnant. While more amount means the sperm concentration is diluted.
  • Morphology tells about the appearance, shape, and size of sperm.

Does a man stop making sperm when he gets older?

No, the man continues to make sperm but the concentration of sperm decreases with time. A man stays fertile throughout his life.

How does a woman feel when sperms enter her body?

Basically, the vagina is too sensitive. It can feel any sensation inside and the nature of sperm is warm. When sperms enter the female body, it feels warm and moist to most women.

Can a girl push sperm out and not get pregnant?

The entry of sperm to the cervix means that the sperm cannot come out of the female body but there are some circumstances to be checked out:

  • Peeing just after intercourse:

Some thought that peeing after sex can clear out sperm and you cannot get pregnant. No, you cannot flush out sperm with pee instead, it may cause a urinary tract infection but semen does not come out. Moreover, it is clear that there are two different openings for the two natural processes. Sperms enter through the vagina while a woman urinates from the urethra so there is no chance of semen to flush out while peeing after intercourse.

  • Douching soon after sex:

Basically, douching is a process of cleaning your vagina with water or some other liquids but this is not a supportive way to control pregnancy. Besides this, it can also cause vaginal and sexually transmitted infections. Douching is not a reliable process for controlling pregnancy.

  • Positions of lying down after sex:

Some believe that positions of laying down after sex matters your pregnancy. Like laying straight after sex or being in a standing innovation can spit out sperm from the body but it is not done. Because while ejaculation some of the semen moves to the cervix where it cannot come out. These processes are not reliable in controlling birth.

Can you get pregnant if you wipe out sperm?

If the sperms are inside the vagina, a woman can get pregnant. when you wipe out sperm you can still get pregnant because there are two points to be noticed:

  • If there is a woman’s ovulation period and sperms get inside the vagina, the chances of pregnancy increase.
  • And in another case, if semen enters the vagina and even if you wipe it out, you can get pregnant.

Wiping out sperm is not a reliable way because once the semen containing sperm enters a female body or inside the vagina, the chances of pregnancy increase.

When will you get pregnant after sex?

You cannot get pregnant soon after the intercourse instead, it may take up to 6 to 9 days to get pregnant. The egg and sperm first fertilize and the process of implantation occurs in the uterus lining. The process may contain 6 to 9 days.

What happens to dead sperm in the female body?

If the sperm is inside the female body, it can survive there for up to 3 to 5 days. If the sperms do not fertilize the egg due to any reason, the sperms which are dead go to the uterus and decompose there. The woman’s hormone balances, the uterine wall fall off and the normal periodic cycle begins.

What happens to sperm during pregnancy?

Where do the sperm go when you are pregnant? The sperms move out of the woman’s body when she is pregnant through the vagina.

What are some early signs of one-week pregnancy?

Some early signs of pregnancy are:

  • Pelvic cramps and discomfort

These are like menstrual cramps but can come and go. Pelvic cramps can be sharp and crampy. Basically, these cramps occur because bones and ligaments are stretching to make a way for the fetus.

  • Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting occur during the 16 weeks of pregnancy, face mild to moderate. It is during morning sickness. These occur in the early days of pregnancy. If someone faces severe symptoms, consult your doctor. Take medication or changes your dietary routine under the observation of your doctor.

  • Diarrhea

It is due to something that you have eaten that has upset your stomach or is related to an infection, which can be gastroenteritis. Ask your doctor for treating dehydration and the illness itself. If the condition is not identified, it can be some other symptoms of preterm labor, combined with low back pain, vaginal discharge, and increased mucus.

  • Increased urination

You can face increased urination than usual because blood during pregnancy increases due to which kidneys start to process extra fluids coming to the bladder.

  • Constipation

Because of the hormonal changes, the digestive system works get slower as a result constipation occurs.

  • Fatigue

It is a very common symptom of early pregnancy and can be due to the release of progesterone hormone that can slow down your metabolism. But progesterone is released in huge amounts to maintain pregnancy and help in the growth of the fetus. It can also be due to anemia which is basically caused by iron deficiency. Start to take iron-rich fruits and veggies to cope with this condition.

  • Food cravings

Craving for different foods increases is obviously common during pregnancy. Somehow, you will also notice that some food you like before is no more to your taste now. You can now mosh commonly like food which energizes you as dairy products or calcium-containing food.


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