How to Get Rid of a Hickey Fast

Similarly, hickeys otherwise known as love bites, are a form of bruising resulting from crushed capillaries beneath the skin that result from suction or biting. As much as they do not cause any health complications, they can be embarrassing and are unwanted particularly where they are noticeable. Fortunately, there are different ways to facilitate the fast treatment of hickeys and try to hide the main causes of hickeys. So in simple words, this article goes in-depth on everything you may want to know about hickeys including practical remedies and prevention tips.

What Is a Hickey?

In its broadest sense, a hickey is a form of ‘bruise’ which results from damaged capillaries due to vacuum pressure. Blood accumulates beneath the skin and forms a red, purple, or black scorch. In the later days, the blood gets engulfed by the body and the color of the hickey starts to disappear.

How Long Do Hickeys Last?

Typically, hickeys last between 5 and 12 days, depending on:

The severity of the bruise: It is identified that more suction power leads to more significant imprints.

Individual healing speed: Some of the ways that it affects this process include the skin type, the age of the person, and their general health.

Treatment: Such treatments can save a lot of time for a hickey not to be seen clearly.

3 Quick Techniques for getting rid of Hickeys or love bite

If you’re wondering how to make hickeys go away faster, here are effective remedies to try:

  1. Cold Compress or Ice Pack

Cold lessens inflammation and the staining resulting from hickeys.

How to use: One more is to wrap ice in a cloth or use a cold spoon and gently put it onto the infected zone for 10-15 minutes. Repetitive several times daily in the first 48 hours.

Why it works: Cold makes items constrict the blood vessels to stop further leakage of blood.

  1. Warm Compress

48 hours later apply heat in order to distribute the clotted blood that has settled in the wounded area.

How to use: Local heat via a bag of hot water or hot towel for 10-15minutes, 2-3 times a day.

Why it works: Disease treatment is enhanced by heat, because it improves blood circulation in the body.

  1. Massage or Finger Rubbing

One of the ways of dealing with the hickey is by applying gentle pressure because this assists in breaking the blood clot and helping the circulation to improve.

How to do it: Massage the hickey area with the help of your fingers and move in a circular motion, the pressure applied should be increased. This should be made for about 5 minutes several a day.

Caution: Do not put too much pressure on the affected area because doing this will only make the bruise worse.

  1. Apply Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural anti-inflammatory herb that has the ability to calm skin.

How to use: Put new aloe Vera gel spread it onto the hickey area and let it remain for 10 minutes before washing it. Repeat twice daily.

  1. Use Arnica Cream or Gel

Arnica is very popular for every kind of bruise and inflammation problem.

How to use: Use arnica gel in the region of pain several times per day.

Why it works: It helps heal cuts and bruises, such as a hickey.

  1. Toothbrush or Comb Technique

We can also use a toothbrush and comb to massage the skin gently so as to move the blood close to the skin’s surface.

How to do it: Massage the hickey area by using the soft bristle of a toothbrush or the teeth’s edge of a comb for about 5 minutes. This should be followed by a cold compression.

Home Remedies for Hickeys

  1. Banana Peel

It also remains for us to find out that the inside of the banana peel is in a position to bring down the extent of discoloration because it has cooling properties.

How to use: Put the peel on the hickey for about half an hour, 20-30 minutes to be precise.

  1. Cocoa Butter

Coconut butter is known to help repair damaged cells of the skin and keep the skin moisturized.

How to use: You should also use cocoa butter to massage the hickey each day for quick healing.

  1. Vinegar and Water Solution

It is also recommended as it aids in improving blood flow around the area affected.

How to use: Combine an equal proportion of vinegar and water put it into a cotton pad and apply on the hickey.

  1. Vitamin C Products

It is known that vitamin C helps to make and maintain blood vessels healthy and helps to restore skin damage.

Sources: Take oranges, berries, and supplements as part of your diet for you to be able to heal as soon as possible.

How to Conceal a Hickey

Although there are many remedies that can help in getting rid of the hickey quickly, it is possible that you want to conceal the hickey as soon as possible. Here’s how:

  1. Makeup

Conceal it with a green-tinted concealer which will help to eliminate the red or the purplish blotch.

Use it to mix with foundation and powder for easy application as well as to make the skin look natural.

  1. Accessories

A scarf, turtleneck, or collared shirt usually provides good enough coverage to help hide a hickey.

  1. Hair Placement

As for the external appearance long hair can be put to style covering the area of the neck.

Do Sweet Kills Help in Removing Hickeys?

Ice is most effective within the first 48 hours of the injury. This helps to minimize inflammation and also stops blood from collecting under the skin any more.

How to Prevent Hickeys

If you’d rather avoid dealing with hickeys altogether, here are some tips:

  1. Communicate

Talk to your partner about where the limits are regarding suction or pressure that caresses you with makes you wince.

  1. Use a Barrier

A woman could wear a scarf or a shirt and other clothes of her choice, especially during the time of intimate moments.

FAQs About Hickeys

  1. Are Hickeys Dangerous?

Hickeys are normally safe but they may cause some problems such as the formation of blood clots if the suction is very strong.

  1. How Long Does a Hickey Take to Heal?

The majority of hickeys do fade within 5 – 12 days but you should know that there are ways to hasten the recovery time.

  1. Does Toothpaste Have The Ability to Erase a Hickey?

However, there is no scientific evidence that supports the use of toothpaste containing menthol – it will only give a cool sensation and lessen redness for a short time.

Summary of Effective Remedies

Remedy Effectiveness Best For
Ice Pack Reduces swelling Fresh hickeys
Warm Compress Promotes circulation Hickeys older than 48 hours
Aloe Vera Soothes and heals Sensitive skin
Arnica Gel Reduces bruising Deep discoloration
Makeup Conceals instantly Immediate coverage


Hickeys might be normal, but they no longer have to be around for such a long period. This article examines various treatments and ways to help the healing process, from natural remedies such as ice and aloe vera to creams such as arnica. For people who cannot wait for the products to work, there are amazing concealers and certain clothes that let you pull off the trick.

Applying the information described above, you won’t have issues with the hickeys but knowing the ways of how to avoid them in the future. I found that when practicing all these methods, the recovery rate is faster and the amount of pain is not so intense.

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By Doctor Ahtsham

MBBS, Nishtar Medical University Multan. Health Specialist with 10 years of experience

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