Modavinil vs Modalert: What Are Differences and Similarities?

Deciding what to choose between two modafinil-based drugs such as Modavinil and Modalert can be a tad challenging because they’re both safe and effective. If you are having a hard time deciding what product to settle for, this guide is for you. It sheds light on the differences and similarities between them, as well as on how to use whichever one you choose safely.

What Is Modavinil?

Modavinil is a relatively new generic version of Provigil. It contains 200 mg of pure modafinil – the therapeutic agent approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat narcolepsy and other sleep disorders. It is manufactured by Centurion Laboratories, a reputable company known to produce high-quality generic brands.

Modavinil is a safe and effective medication. Healthy individuals commonly take it off-label to increase alertness, enhance memory, and improve creativity because of its cognitive-enhancing benefits.

What Is Modalert?

Modalert is another generic version of Provigil that contains modafinil as its active ingredient. It is manufactured by Sun Pharma, a reputable and trustworthy Indian-based pharmaceutical company that carries out its operations in GMP-certified facilities. Modalert is approved by the FDA to treat shift work sleep disorder (SWSD), narcolepsy, and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It is commonly used off-label to enhance cognitive function. Modalert is equally safe and has a low potential for side effects. However, it should only be used based on the recommendation of a doctor.

Comparison of These Drugs

Modavinil and Modalert have many similarities because they contain the same active ingredient. However, they also have their differences. Find their differences and similarities in the table below:


Brand Name Modavinil Modalert
What is the active ingredient? Modafinil Modafinil
What form is it available in? Oral tablet Oral tablet
Who is the manufacturer? Centurion Laboratories Sun Pharma
What are the available strengths? 200 mg 100 mg and 200 mg
What is this drug used for? To treat sleep disorders such as OSA, SWSD, and narcolepsy. It is also used off-label as a cognitive enhancer. To treat sleep disorders such as OSA, SWSD, and narcolepsy. It is also used off-label as a cognitive enhancer.
What is the half-life of the medication? 1012 hours 10+ hours
Any risk of withdrawal symptoms? No No
What is the average treatment duration? 65 days in patients with OSA, 60 days in those with narcolepsy, and 42.3 days in patients with SWSD 65 days in patients with OSA, 60 days in those with narcolepsy, and 42.3 days in patients with SWSD
Is this a controlled substance? Yes, in most countries Yes, in most countries
How to store the drug correctly? At room temperature of 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C) At room temperature of 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C)


Modavinil and Modalert have different inactive ingredients. This is the reason for their difference in color, taste, smell, and texture. Although the inactive ingredients do not affect the pharmacological effects of the drugs, they may cause their side effects to differ.

How to Take These Pills Safely?

The correct way to take these drugs is to swallow the tablets whole with a substantial amount of water. It is inadvisable to split or crush the pills. Do not take more than one tablet per day, as this can lead to an overdose and ultimately increase the risk of adverse effects [1].


It is worth noting that the time to take either of the drugs may vary based on the condition to be treated. For SWSD, take the tablet 1 hour before starting a work shift. For OSA or narcolepsy, take the tablet early in the morning [2]. Taking any of the drugs later in the day can disrupt a night’s sleep, as their effects can last 10+ hours. Consult your doctor before starting treatment with Modavinil or Modalert.

What Is the Best Dosage for These Medicines?

Doctors typically recommend starting at the 200 mg dose strength of modafinil-based drugs. However, they may recommend a higher or lower dose based on tolerability or sensitivity. It is worth noting that factors such as health conditions, age, weight, and other drugs the patient may be taking may also influence the dosage that should be taken. Administering a modafinil dose higher than required can increase the risk of experiencing severe side effects. They are as follows [3]:


  • ringing in one or both ears;
  • depression;
  • hallucinations;
  • irregular heartbeat or palpitations;
  • mood swings.


Be sure to seek medical advice before starting treatment with Modavinil or Modalert. A doctor will help you determine the best dose for optimal results.


Modavinil vs Modalert: Which is a better treatment option? The simple answer is that there is really no one that is better than the other. Because both drugs contain the same active ingredient, they provide similar benefits and have the same mechanism of action and side effects. However, it is worth noting that they may work differently for different people based on the difference in biological makeup. The best way to find out the best option for you is to try out both of them.


  1. Modafinil Tablets – Provigil. Narcolepsy Medication, Stimulant. Written by Michael Stewart. Reviewed by Sid Dajani. Retrieved: October 15, 2022.
  2. Modafinil: MedlinePlus Drug Information. Retrieved: October 15, 2022.
  3. Side Effects of Provigil (Modafinil), Warnings & Uses. Retrieved: October 15, 2022.

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