There are many disorders that are caused because of lifestyle methods that a person follows. This includes poor diet, lack of nutrition in diet, preservatives and chemical-laced food, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, etc. More people have disorders such as Diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, arthritis, and respiratory diseases today than there were a decade ago. Blood sugar levels are one of the most critical parts of good health. With high blood sugar in the body, the organs start to malfunction, and health declines. Routine blood tests and the Hba1c test is the recommended examination for those who have diabetes or those who are at risk for diabetes. Some people are more prone to diabetes than others such as those who are overweight/obese, those who have a sedentary lifestyle,s and those who have a strong family history of diabetes.
Diabetes – the Modern Slow Killer
Most people in the world suffer from diabetes and it is fast becoming the most common disorder amongst men and women. The WHO predicts that there will be a steady rise of people with diabetes even in the next couple of years due to the deteriorating health conditions in humans and the lack of awareness of modern lifestyle and culture. Diabetes is the leading disease amongst men and women in the middle age above 35 years of age but this age bar is fast decreasing. Many children are also developing diabetes at a young age in life.
Type 2 diabetes is a slow killer and can cause the body’s functions to deteriorate and age much faster. High blood sugar can affect the organs in the body and cause other diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, cholesterol, arthritis, and other related diseases. Routine blood tests that help in detecting the blood sugar levels in the body are one of the primary types of examination that these patients need to go through every couple of months. The Hba1c test price is almost as much as a routine blood test but gives more accurate results for average blood sugar levels over a period of time.
Hba1c Test
The Hba1c test is a sure analysis of the blood sugar levels in the body. It works by measuring the number of glycated blood cells in the bloodstream. These blood cells die and regenerate every 4 months naturally in the body therefore when a person undergoes Hba1c test, the test can identify the number of glycated cells as an average for the last 2 to 3 months.
The Hba1c test result for a normal individual with blood sugar levels that are well within the range must be less than 6.5%. For those who are consuming diabetes medicines and treatments, it must be less than 7%. Those who have undetected high levels of blood sugar levels and patients whose medication is not working properly for them may have higher than 7% which is a sign of distress in the body.
The doctor can translate these results and prescribe the apt medicines for the patient. For patients who are under medication and with an unfavorable test result, the medication may be altered or changed completely. Either way, the Hba1c test helps the patients to be aware of tehir health condition and the doctors to take necessary steps towards the betterment of the health of their patients and to help them control their average blood sugar levels.