15 Proven Methods to Quickly Fade a Hickey

So what is a hickey anyway? When people get swept away by passion, they sometimes let the moment get away from them and leave behind a love bite. Others use it as a way to mark their partner, to show that they’ve taken. These big red and purple marks are quite simply, bruises. 

Blood capillaries or small blood vessels beneath the skin can be damaged due to the suction created by your partner’s mouth and the biting or scraping of their teeth across your skin. These damaged vessels then leak small amounts of blood beneath the surface of the skin called petechiae

Occasionally the giver of the hickey complains about tasting blood when they give their lover a love bite. This is because they’ve sucked so hard, they literally sucked blood through the surface of your skin. Often a small mark causes no pain for the recipient, but for those who find their neck suddenly attached to a Hoover you can’t turn off, there may be some pain or discomfort. 

So You’ve Got a Hickey

While some people are ok with the visual reminder hanging around for a while, most people want to know how long a hickey will last. These colorful badges of honor are much like the typical bruises we get from time to time. Hickeys pass through a range of colors before they finally fade away. 

The pain and discomfort are often due to the inflammation at the site of the wound. This is caused by the healing process which involves an increase in the blood flow to the area. The iron-rich hemoglobin in the blood breaks down into other composites and causes bruises, or hickeys, to change colors. 

In the same way that some people bruise more easily than others, certain individuals may show the effects of light suction with a major mark. Others, such as those who tangle with Hoover, may show a very light mark. These results can depend on many factors such as if you’re prone to bruising or taking certain medications. 

Make it go Away… FAST!

Many wonder how they can get rid of a hickey fast. There are many myths surrounding this question. While there’s occasionally a good story behind it to share with your friends, other times it causes embarrassment that they’re unable to cover it up or hide it. 

While getting rid of a hickey overnight is virtually impossible, there are a few myths that might speed up the process by a few days. Some may even stand up in the face of testing. Here are 15 tried but not necessarily true ways to get rid of a hickey.

  • Cold compress
  • Warm compress
  • Massage
  • Essential oils
  • Vitamins
  • Masks
  • Lotions
  • Topical applications
  • Oral applications
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Makeup
  • Toothpaste
  • Diet
  • Cold spoon
  • Bananas

While a few of these may be viable, others, well not so much. Let’s review. 

Cold compress:

Cold compresses can help to reduce the swelling when the hickey is just taking place. By slowing the flow of blood to the injured area with a cold cloth, ice pack, or even a cold bottle of water you stand a chance of the hickey not becoming any larger. This has the best effect if applied immediately after the mark is formed. Try to keep up with the cold compress several times a day for the first two days for approximately 10 minutes each application.

Warm compress:

Warm compresses come next. Starting on day three, switch to a warm compress such as a heating pad or a reusable rice heat pack. This process helps increase the blood flow to the area which can help get rid of the hickey faster. 


Try massaging the area if the added pressure doesn’t cause additional pain. This won’t get rid of the hickey in an hour but may help it diminish quicker by promoting additional blood flow to the area. The key is not to use too much pressure. That could make the bleeding spread out even more and result in worse bruising. 

Essential oils:

If you love the smell of peppermint, try adding a bit of peppermint essential oil to the massage. You’ll want to spend a little more money on the essential oils, not the cooking extract. Be sure to dilute the oils with a carrier oil such as olive or coconut oil. One to two drops of extract to 12 drops of the oil of your choice is a good ratio to start with. 

Start with a small test spot on your inner forearm and if there is no allergic reaction or signs of sensitivity in 24 hours, it will likely be tolerated on your neck. Once your certain that no reaction will occur, this blend is safe to use as many times a day as you want.


Vitamins are another way to help speed up the process of getting rid of a love bite or other bruise. Studies show that vitamin K, when applied topically, can work to speed up the healing process. Used to assist in blood clotting, vitamin K can be used as needed by applying a fair amount of the cream to the hickey and rubbing it in. 


Other topicals such as vitamin C and lotions that include cocoa butter can also promote healing. Due to its antioxidant properties and the boost to the levels of collagen, vitamin C cream can aid in the strengthening of skin tissue surrounding the wound and this may help get rid of the mark in a speedier manner. 

Cocoa butter is much lauded as a staple in skincare for its ability to help soothe and remove or diminish stretch marks, wrinkles, and scars, as well as other bothersome marks. The fatty acids and phytochemicals are said to help improve skin elasticity, nurture skin and help slow down the effects of aging. Try applying cocoa butter lotion to the affected area up to twice a day to help aid in healing.

Aloe vera is another topical that is known for its ability to reduce inflammation, help decrease swelling, and ultimately diminish pain. While this won’t make the hickey disappear, swiping on a thin layer of aloe vera twice a day, either cream or gel form, may speed up the healing process.

The herb arnica can be used in a medical sense to get rid of pain and inflammation. Found in both topical and oral applications, this little gem can be used to aid healing a hickey. Follow the recommended dosages for the one you choose to use. 

Rubbing alcohol:

Rubbing alcohol, when used immediately after the hickey occurs, is good for disinfecting the area. This is really helpful if the skin has been broken but may be painful to tolerate. It won’t do anything to soothe the skin or speed up healing. 


More of a bad myth than anything, using toothpaste to get rid of a hickey won’t do much for you. This type of topical application isn’t going to help remove a hickey any faster, and in fact, it may irritate the area more. 


Diet is actually a good way to help heal the body. From diseases to injuries and bruising, diet can help to cure what ails you. Will suddenly eating more vegetables and fiber get rid of a hickey before tonight’s dinner with his family? No, but if a healthy diet is followed it could help reduce clotting issues and dissolve bruises faster. Adding leafy greens, brown rice, and foods high in fatty acids can work to your advantage. 

Cold spoon:

There are many other unusual hacks out there to try, but none really make the grade for how to get rid of a hickey fast. Cold spoons might soothe, drinking orange juice may increase the body’s vitamin C stores, and masks made from banana peels might feel good, but none of these methods will help decrease a hickey. 

When all else fails, hide it. Whether you cake on the foundation, wear a turtleneck or cover up with a scarf, this is the only real way you’re likely to ‘get rid’ of a hickey in an hour. The best course of action is to simply not get one in the first place, though really, where’s the fun in that?

There are a few risks that go along with having a hickey though they are relatively minor and there’s a slim chance any of these will happen to you. 

  • Oral herpes can be transmitted through contact with someone who has the condition. 
  • Stroke could occur when clots form or existing ones break loose in the carotid artery, which runs along both sides of the neck.
  • Blood clots
  • Suspension from work, while not likely, is possible depending on your place of employment
  • Job loss due to companies having a no-tolerance policy

Avoiding a Hickey

By avoiding aspirin, applying minimal pressure, and applying ice immediately, you may avoid having a hickey form. Skipping the prolonged kiss is always an option. Ask your partner to use gentle kisses and avoid suction and you should be good to go.


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